Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to Solution: Easy Online Bill Payment for Dummies

If you're like me, the idea of online bill payment with its techno learning curve makes you quake in your shoes and run for cover every time you hear the words, online bill payment. Well, no longer do you have reason to break out in a cold sweat, get nauseous and call you mother for help. I'm going to show you how easy it is to use my version of online bill payment. There are a variety of services offered by banks for online bill payment and all seem rather intimidating, so being terrified of the internet dragon who would fly off with my money caught between teeth spewing fire, I developed my own straight forward version of online bill payment for dummies and dorks. Read the full article HERE!

How to Solution for Paying Bills On Time

Oh groan, it's that time again the beginning of the month and you're scratching your head and wondering if paying bills on time can ever be a possibility for you? Money's been tight, the kids are eating bologna and you're telling them it's steak and you made the cat start hunting mice instead of serving up gourmet cat food because money is tight and paying bills on time has become an arduous and sometimes agonizing task. Here's a solution to help you remember and get you paying bills when they are due and before they become late.

Read full article HERE.